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Want your Marketing to make a bigger
Impact & Capture more Perfect Clients?
If you answered "Yes!"This page was made for you."I'm interested in igniting my marketing!
Send me a list of 4 questions & 3 impactful action items to direct my marketing program!"
(Don't Worry! There are more goodies further down; keep scrolling when you're done here!)Dig Into The Psychology of Marketing with Stephanie
Find the underlined words for "Stephanie's Top Takeaways" throughout the page!
Too often small business owners are told to "get a website, get on social media, and run ads." When that doesn’t work, it’s blamed on “sometimes you just have to try stuff to see what works” or “You didn’t do it right.” Neither answer is helpful for the small business owner who is watching hard-earned money disappearing quickly with no return.
I've found too many small business owners feeling overwhelmed when it comes to marketing.
Social media posts, networking events, and a constant looming feeling of “I should be doing more” run in the background of our ADHD minds while we’re simultaneously putting out three fires with clients AND keeping sales going.
If that felt all-too-relatable, congratulations!
You're just as normal a small business owner as I am!
Better yet!
I have great news!
If you feel like I'm reading your mail, you're not alone, it's not your fault, and it’s easier to rectify than you think!
When we take time to understand the core of marketing (psychology), we can create & manage effective marketing strategies!
There are three keys to creating effective marketing for small business owners:
1) Understanding your target market, and their psychology
2) Developing & communicating a compelling marketing message
3) Communicating that message in the right place & way
The Premise of Psychology-Based Marketing:
The 3Ms of Marketing©
As a new marketer fresh out of college, it struck me as odd that nearly identical marketing campaigns could produce drastically different results!
All things being equal, shouldn't the results be equal as well?
Upon dissecting hundreds and thousands of marketing campaigns, and dedicated a decade to studying psychology in marketing, I've determined that the difference between success & failure is what I've coined as The 3Ms of Marketing!It's Not Just A Theory
Anything can sound great in theory, I know, but do the 3 M's truly live up to the hype?
Absolutely! I've worked with over 5,000 businesses in the last 7 years, and I've seen this phenomenon work time and time again. To show you how, I've pulled together some real-life case studies on clients and brands we've worked with on these concepts.M#1: A Case Study on
Understanding Your Target Market
The Situation:
Will had invested a good amount of money into purchasing a larger-than-normal territory for his Houston-based mobile tire franchise. But when he first called us, he hadn’t even opened. After walking away from a cushy six-figure job, the anxiety most business owners experience of “Will this work? Did I make a mistake? What do I do to get the phone to ring?” had begun hounding him. After all, he was paying a good chunk of revenue to the corporate office in franchise fees atop being a small business.
We knew from the get-to that we’d need to leverage money-smart strategies to get his marketing going with a high ROI.
Here’s what we did:
Utilizing Target Marketing, We...
- Researched the Target Market Thoroughly -
- Designed Marketing Messages BASED On Market Psychographics -
- Connected the Outgoing Networking Strategy to Social Media for Conversions -
- Cleverly Connected Market Interests to Tire Changes/Rotations -
Details and a Goodie
Hear Stephanie share the details of this case study and how we related tires to improving your golf swing!
It was crucial that we understand this target market intimately to save money!
"I'm interested in igniting my marketing! Send me a list of 4 questions & 3 impactful action items to direct my marketing program!"
Prefer to read rather than watch a video? Check out the Case Study Article here!
M# 2: A Case Study on Creating a Compelling
Marketing Message
The Situation:
The first Grow Retreat we hosted in 2017 sparked a fire in me that wouldn’t easily burn out, but that spark was truly tested!
I spent the next couple years fighting and pushing to sell enough tickets to run the Grow Retreats for the future, and didn’t realize that my branding was holding me back.
I’d started with a generic “We’ll help you grow your business” in gold and green. Oversimplified in some areas, and overcomplicated in others. Atop it all, the brand was so disjointed it was like the individual website pages didn’t even belong to the same website.What we realized was that the brand was un-unified, and didn’t express what we needed to communicate...
So Here's What We Did:
- Built a Cohesive, Unified, and Unique Brand -
- Adhered all Marketing Assets to the Brand -
- Communicated the Importance of this Event in a way Potential Attendees could Understand -
A cohesive marketing message matters across all brand assets!
Details and a Goodie
Hear Stephanie share the details of this case study
Prefer to read rather than watch a video?
Check out the Case Study Article here!
"I'm interested in igniting my marketing! Send me a list of 4 questions & 3 impactful action items to direct my marketing program!"
M #3: A Case Study on Methods of Distribution for your Message
The Situation:
Recently I worked with a security firm that had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break into the high-end corporate world. They had been offered a bid opportunity for a major corporation’s security, and wanted help designing the sales presentation. The great news? They got the job! And the corporation continued to hand them jobs, but they knew they needed to be relying on more than one client to be stable. Their challenge was that the Mom & Pop brand, built to communicate with residential and local commercial clients, wasn’t going to recruit the larger clientele they needed to balance out the business. Nor were their marketing assets directed toward their new clientele.
But what we realized was that their brand didn't need a 100% redesign, they just needed to find out how and where to communicate with their new client base.
So Here's What We Did:
- Refocused the Target Market and Message on Communicating to the New Clientele -
- Redesigned the Website to Appeal to Busy Corporate Higher-Ups -
- Created a High-Touch-Point Funnel that Conveyed
Personalized Attention and Prompt Responses -
- Put out TONS of PR in Key Touch-Point Cities, to Show Potential Clients the Firm’s Reliability and Reach -
Details and a Goodie
Hear Stephanie share the details of how we tweaked the message and changed the Methods to reach the firm's new client base.
I'm interested in igniting my marketing! Send me a list of 4 questions & 3 impactful action items to direct my marketing program!
Prefer to read rather than watch a video? Read the Full Case Study Here
In summary...
Marketing comes down to understanding how people think. Understanding how our brains operate throughout the day, and what’s pressing for our attention.
Marketing is about figuring out what is motivating others, what is inspiring others, and it's also about figuring out what is freaking out or frustrating our ideal target market, then providing a solution.
When we understand our audience at this level, we can design marketing that speaks to them. Whether through billboards, radio ads, TV or social media, we can create space for our audience to feel seen and heard and understood. We build trust and that trust should not be taken lightly.
When these things collide, business booms!
As you get started implementing your marketing, one caveat to consider:
Marketing costs.
Just like learning the violin, it costs either time or money, usually both. Regardless of your budget, I recommend sitting down monthly as the Chief Marketing Officer of your business to evaluate your current marketing strategies and assets. Determine what is and isn’t working, then whether you are going to adjust a strategy or remove it from your marketing plan. Be prepared to be involved or outsource to someone who catches the fire!
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