Why Consistency Doesn’t Matter As Much As You’ve Been Told - Small Business Marketing 101

I was doing a training on marketing recently, and when I reached the part where I revealed the key to great, budget-friendly marketing, I hinted that it starts with the letter "C." The entire room groaned. A lady in the front row even guessed, "It's consistency, isn't it?" But here's the kicker: the answer is no.

The Myth of Consistency

We've been told time and again by marketers that the key to great marketing is consistency. The idea is that by putting out content consistently, you're bound to get noticed eventually. While there's some truth to this—being consistent can increase your chances of something taking off—it's not the be-all and end-all of marketing success.

Many marketers emphasize consistency because it shifts the blame to you if their strategies don't work. As a small business owner, you're juggling countless responsibilities, and maintaining perfect consistency in marketing is often unrealistic. I'm not saying consistency doesn't matter at all; it's just not as crucial as we've been led to believe.

The Real Key: Creativity

So, if consistency isn't the magic word, what is? The answer is creativity. Creativity is the lifeblood of budget-friendly marketing. To grab attention on a small budget, you need to stand out. And the only way to do that is by being creative.

I understand that being creative can be daunting. It can feel risky to go against the grain or put out something that stands out. I've joked that I'm all for controversial videos until they start gaining traction, at which point I panic. But here's what I've learned: these creative, bold ideas rarely backfire and often get traction—even if they need a few tweaks.

Creativity Within a Framework

Creativity isn't as hard as it seems. It's a muscle we build and a skill we develop. All types of creativity thrive within a framework. For instance, music is creative within the bounds of music theory, and art becomes truly impactful when you understand color theory.

In marketing, our framework is the three M's:

1. Market

Know your target market in detail. This means understanding both demographics and psychographics. Don't just settle for targeting "middle-aged men." Dive deeper into their age ranges, job types, locations, online and offline hangouts, aspirations, goals, and frustrations.

2. Message

Once you know your market, craft a marketing message that resonates with them. This message should be emotional and compelling, truly reflecting what you do in a way that excites your audience.

3. Methods

With your market and message clear, determine your methods of distribution. Ask yourself, "How do I get this message in front of this target market?" Then, have fun and get creative with it.

The Power of Emotion

Don't forget the importance of emotion in your marketing. Emotion is not only valuable but memorable. If your marketing makes someone feel something, it will capture their attention and build social currency. People will want to interact with your brand again, assuming the emotion you evoke is positive.

Practical Steps to Implement Creative Marketing

1. Monthly Creative Meetings

Schedule a monthly meeting to brainstorm creative marketing ideas. Focus on your target market and message, and think of fun, engaging ways to communicate.

2. Lean Into What You Love

Do more of what you enjoy in your marketing efforts. Avoid the tasks you hate—they’re not worth your time or energy

3. Push Your Comfort Zone

Don’t be afraid to try things that make you slightly uncomfortable. These are often the ideas that stand out the most.

4. Have Fun

The most important aspect of marketing your small business is to enjoy it. The more fun you have, the more creative you'll become, and the less you'll feel forced to maintain an unrealistic consistency.

The Wrap

In summary, while consistency has its place, creativity is the true key to effective, budget-friendly marketing. Embrace creativity, build it within a solid framework, and focus on sparking emotion in your audience.

For more insights and expert advice on small business marketing, visit thestephaniescheller.com. Let’s get creative and transform your marketing approach today!