The #1 Key to Staying in Business!

After working with 500+ businesses in the last five years, I've noticed a common theme...

Every business goes south as soon as the business stops focusing on one thing: sales!

You’d think it’s self-evident, but in the solo-preneur business (which is what most sales people are in, and most small businesses fall into this category too), it’s constantly the first thing to fall by the wayside!

I see business after business making the same mistakes and it makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes!

Whether you're a real estate agent, or a commissioned sales rep, or the owner of your own business, you are running a business for yourself. Whether that's the way you run the business of sales for someone else, or the business of sales for yourself, you are the master of your fate!

Everyone is in sales. Either you're being sold, or you're selling other people. 

-Grant Cardone ​

And every single one of us is prone to the same mistake: forgetting about sales. Last Christmas I saw a lot of business owners going crazy trying to close enough sales to get themselves to their goals for the year.

I couldn't help but wonder why they left the fight for the last minute? I would always rather stay focused on sales throughout the year and get to take it easy in December and I doubt I'm the only one.

Babe Ruth quote about success for sales, business and life

The challenge is staying focused. Through-out the year it's easy to get caught up on paperwork, working in the business on delivery, etc. But I've learned very clearly that sales is the heart of the business. Without sales, you're low on cashflow. Without cashflow, you're dead in the water. Personally and professionally.

This year, stay focused on sales, ALL. THE. WAY!

  • Ask yourself how long you're spending on sales on average each month? Actively recruiting, not paperwork or delivery.
  • Ask yourself how many leads you're getting every day?
  • Ask yourself how you're focusing on improving your sales numbers this year?

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