Skip the Shiny Object Syndrome this time around....

The difference between success and failure this year could be this one mindset…

· Personal Growth,Business Building,business coaching,Entrepreneurs

No still have time!

If you’re anything like haven’t really hit all your goals yet for the year (thank God! It's only September!).

Seems like I'm running into more and more people lately who either have hit goal, are close to goal, or are perfectly content with the current status quo.

I don't know about you, but I am a perpetual optimist now, which also leads to me setting absolutely MASSIVE goals that often require not just massive amounts of work (which I can handle), but also require everything to fall perfectly, which (let's be honest) doesn’t happen as often.

The truth is, while many of your colleagues are settling in to finish the year at the same level of activity and results they’ve achieved so far this year, or maybe even wrapping up their year at this point (seriously! Blows my mind when I run into these guys!), there is still a LOT of year left in 2018 and as I always remind my audiences, your past will only dictate your future to the extent you let it!

So what do you have left to achieve this year?

Instead of sitting yourself down to reset your goals to be more achievable, sit down to look at the goal, look at where you are today (not what has happened to get you there, but where you are RIGHT now) and try asking yourself what would you need to do to accomplish this goal?

Notice how I didn’t say “What do you need to accomplish the goal?” The instinctual answer (depending what you’ve run into this year and what you’re up against) is “a miracle.” And that doesn't really do anyone any good.

The instinctual answer is “a miracle.” And that doesn't really do anyone any good.​

Instead, you are using a technique I learned while reading Multipliers earlier this year: you are setting a starting point, and an end goal, and unleashing your inner creative to figure out how to achieve the goal!

Give it a try and let me know how it goes, then hop on over to our free Facebook group and share your experience, I look forward to hearing from you!

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