It’s time to take control of the sales conversation!
First thing to understand? It’s almost always a cop-out!
There are a variety of objections that we lovingly refer to as the “fake objections” – and price is one of them! Unless your client is really desperate and showing you exactly how little money they have, price is never the real objection.
So in three simple steps, here’s how to keep them from bringing it up as an excuse.
- Address it first. Do NOT wait for them to bring up price. First off, if you shy away from your price, you give your prospect reason to believe that there’s something shady about it. Bring it up right away so they understand that the price is not up for negotiation and you can spend the rest of your appointment loading them up with value so the price suddenly is dwarfed in perspective!
- Give them a great reason as to why it isn’t feasible to complain about the price objection before they have the chance to bring it up. For example, as soon as I tell a client the price of my coaching, I follow up with the warning that “The price is the price and the price of one-on-one coaching is not up for negotiation.” I’ll proceed to give them three or four reasons why the price is not up for negotiation (like success stories, or why I’m not going to be compared to anyone else).
- Pack so much value in for the price point, that they are ashamed to bring up price as a fake objection. In order for this to work, you’ve got to SHOW them the value that you’re bringing. I.e.: a $50 mattress cover, a $250 boxspring, $150 delivery and installation, 40 hours/month of recovered time each month because you are sleeping better, so you don’t need to sleep as much. Etc!
The price objection is almost ALWAYS a cop-out!
It’s a little basic, and there’s LOTS more ways to avoid the price objection, but this is a great way to start!
Earlier this year I did an entire 2+ hour webinar on making the price objection disappear from your life!
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