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Steps To Creating a System
There's a revolution going on in business!
The Turn-Key Revolution (Thanks Michael Gerber)! You cannot do everything in your business anymore! You have to be able to hire and trust employees to deliver the way your customers demand.
The only way to make that happen is to use SYSTEMS!
January 12, 2016
The value of systems
Systems increase the value of your business. Not only do you now have the ability to sell your business and whoever buys it could produce the same results you do (which makes it a more marketable business if you want to go that route), but you also improve a variety of areas.
Including communication, which leads to a better workplace environment, which leads to happier employees, which leads to higher revenue! It's a great set-up! 
Think about it.
If your employees don't know where to look to get the information they need to do their jobs, it causes confusion. That confusion tends to seep into making the work-place substantially less than predictable. Which usually leads to less predictable results in your product or service delivery. Which leads to loss of customers.
How to create your system?
As always, I believe there's a uniform method to deliver results! And if I'm talking about creating systems in your business, there had to be a system to creating systems! 
This is a very, very high level overview, and I've simplified a lot of the steps to fit it into this blog post, but if you're looking for a short series of steps to produce results for yourself, here you go!
1) Decide What System You Want!

There are so many options for which systems to create in your business. It’s extremely important that you choose a system that you are intimately familiar with and desperately need. You’ll put a lot of time and effort into creating the right system, you need to be fully vested in getting it done!

Whether you want to create your sales system or how you deliver your products, deal with customers, how often you meet and what you cover, how to get a promotion, how to hire or how to fire, think about which portion of your business is causing you the most headaches right now. That’s probably a good place to start!

2) Document

The first step to any system is documenting the steps needed.

First document what you do. How you deliver a consistent result (If you’re not sure on this, you might need to review your own work!) and what steps you follow every time. This might take a few tries to get it right.

Document the industry best practices. Which pieces do you follow? Which pieces get the best result? Which ones do you want to make standard for your business?

Find the best person in your company and have them document what they do! Write out step-by-step how to accomplish the job in a company-compliant manner.  

3) Review

The worst person to write the how-to manual is the software designer that created the software. They are so intimately familiar with the program that they skip steps that seem “obvious.”

If you’re creating a system for a non-skilled professional, run it by someone who knows nothing about the industry and ensure they can understand and follow the instructions.

If you’re creating a system for a skilled-professional then run it by the lowest common denominator – someone with some experience, but not well trained, and see if they can understand it.

4) Implement

People learn three ways: by hearing, by seeing, by doing. In order to hold your troops accountable for implementing the system you’ve created you must be 100% certain that they understand it. Teach it to them orally, show it to them visually, and check in with them after they’ve had a chance to implement and verify they are following your system.

5) Repeat Steps 3 & 4 for CANEI
That's Continuous And Never Ending Improvement for those of you unfamiliar with the term! 
Lastly! Don't be afraid to ask for help! 
I'd love to give you some feedback and advice whenever possible!